Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Birth trauma mother 'wanted to die'

"The midwife completely ignored me, I may as well not have been there."

Alex Flowers, from Derbyshire, has told the BBC how she suffered physical and mental problems after "not being in control" during her daughter's birth.

The lowest point came 18 months later when Alex's best friend found her sitting on the kitchen floor saying she wanted to die.

In a Mumsnet survey, very few mothers felt they received "great medical care" for certain conditions after birth.

Only 6% of the 1,224 women surveyed by the parenting website whose pelvic floor or continence had been affected as a result of giving birth were "extremely happy" with the care they were given.

And 34% of women who suffered a tear while giving birth or had a Caesarean felt they did not have adequate care or advice in the first few weeks afterwards.

The women questioned had all experienced problems after giving birth between 2013 and 2016.

'The baby is going to die'
Alex explained how a change of shift during her long labour with her daughter in November 2013 had long-term effects on both her and her husband.

"I was making really good progress with the labour but unfortunately the midwife who had been dealing with me was taken off the end of her shift and replaced by another one, who, I felt, didn't really want to be there and had too many cases to deal with," she said.

After Alex had been in labour for 23 hours she started to feel something was wrong with the movements of her baby.

However, Alex says, the midwife "was saying to my husband, 'Don't worry, it's the throes of a woman in labour' and ignoring me".

"I thought, 'I've got no control here' and everything I was saying about there being something wrong with the baby, she was almost tutting, rolling her eyes and saying it was normal.

"Two hours after I started saying something was wrong, I grabbed my husband and said, 'If you don't listen to me, the baby is going to die.'


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