Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Brexit: EU leaders set to discuss transition agreement

EU leaders will gather on Thursday for a summit at which they are expected to approve the terms of a transition deal with the UK after Brexit.

The EU's Donald Tusk said on Wednesday he had recommended a draft legal text on transition, citizens' rights and other withdrawal issues to its members.

It followed Spanish concerns over how the accord would affect its demands for a say on how Brexit affects Gibraltar.

The transition is set for exit day on 29 March 2019 until the end of 2020.

Prime Minister Theresa May has said what she calls the "implementation period", in which the UK will have to adhere to EU rules, will be a bridge to a new economic and political partnership with the EU.

Under the terms of the agreement, the UK will be able to negotiate, sign and ratify its own trade deals while EU citizens arriving in the UK will enjoy the same rights and guarantees as those who arrive before Brexit.

UK and EU agree Brexit transition terms
Deal is done - but work remains
What will Brexit mean for Britain's overseas territories?
To the dismay of many Tory MPs, the UK will effectively remain in the Common Fisheries Policy until the end of 2020 while a solution to avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland has yet to be agreed, with the EU insisting on a "backstop" option of Northern Ireland remaining in the customs union and single market.

In a message on Twitter, Mr Tusk said he had urged the other 27 EU leaders to welcome, in principle, the agreement on transition and other matters at a session expected to take place on Friday.

"In practice, the transition phase will allow to delay [sic] all the negative consequences of Brexit by another 21 months," he wrote.

He told reporters he was "absolutely sure" the two sides would find a lasting solution to prevent the return of physical checks on the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.


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