Sunday, January 28, 2018

Yemen crisis: Separatists seize government buildings in Aden

Separatists in southern Yemen have seized government buildings in the city of Aden amid fierce clashes with forces of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher has accused the separatists of mounting a coup. Aden serves as a temporary base of the Hadi government, with Houthi rebels controlling the capital Sanaa. Fighting subsided late on Sunday evening as both sides ordered their forces to stand down. Government forces called on Yemen's Arab neighbours to intervene and help calm the situation. Dozens of people are reported injured, and at least 10 people have died. The development further complicates an already dire situation in Yemen, where millions need aid. What's happening in Aden? The modern state of Yemen was formed in 1990 from the merger of South Yemen and North Yemen, and separatist desires for an independent southern state have not gone away. The separatists have been backing the government against the Houthis, but long-simmering tensions have flared in recent weeks, with the separatists accusing the government of corruption and discrimination.

Fighting broke out on Sunday after a deadline set by the separatists for Mr Hadi to dismiss Mr Dagher and his cabinet.


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