Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CAN gets final ICC ultimatum

Jan 31, 2018-Stakeholders of Nepali cricket on Tuesday said they would do all they can to lift the suspension of the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) after the International Cricket Council (ICC) issued a final ultimatum to the cricket governing body to move ahead as agreed upon previously.

An ICC delegation headed by its Deputy Chairman Imran Khwaja met with Nepali stakeholders on Sunday and Monday to take stock of progress aimed at enabling the reinstatement of CAN, whose international membership is currently under suspension since April 25, 2016. To resolve the issue, ICC had formed an Advisory Group which reviewed CAN constitution and proposed amendments.

CAN did pass a new constitution through its Special General Meeting on August 22 but with significant changes that were against the agreement. ICC had repeatedly raised concerns over the adoption of a separate constitution and also termed its schedule election ‘inappropriate’.

Despite ICC having reservations in CAN’s approval of a disputed constitution, the Nepali cricket governing body had said it would hold its general election by December 24. In the process it has also conducted elections in its member districts. But in its latest visit to Nepal, ICC asked CAN to pass the amendment as proposed by Advisory Group and conduct re-elections in districts or else face expulsion.

CAN General Secretary Ashok Nath Pyakurel said his side would be flexible if needed. “If the ICC ensures that the suspension of CAN is lifted then we are ready to show any kind of flexibility,” Pyakurel said during a press conference at the National Sports Council (NSC) on Tuesday in presence of Member Secretary Keshav Bista and Advisory Group joint coordinator Binay Raj Pandey.

Pyakurel also said that the ongoing court case against the ad-hoc committee formed by NSC will not be an issue if everyone agrees to move ahead with consensus. The sports governing body of Nepal had formed the ad-hoc committee on January 8, 2016 after the 2015 CAN elections ran into controversy as it was held without the consent from its former president Tanka Aangbuhang and the country’s supreme sports governing body.

NSC member secretary Bista said his office would play role of a guardian to help CAN get back its ICC membership. “NSC will oversee this process as a guardian and show flexibility as much as we can. We believe that the Advisory Group and CAN would come to agreement,” said Bista.

Advisory Group Joint Coordinator Binaya Raj Pandey said it would be a last chance for everyone to prevent CAN from ICC expulsion. “Nepali cricket has suffered a lot since the suspension. We now have to sort out all differences and end this state of standstill before the elective general assembly of the ICC in June. If we still don’t manage to settle the issues, the ICC will surely expel us,” the former CAN president said.

According to Pandey, ICC will send a roadmap to all the concerned stakeholders within a few days. CAN has been asked to work according to that roadmap under the supervision of the NSC.

Published: 31-01-2018 11:57


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